Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30
166 Mine Brook Rd

Planning Board

Planning Board Information

Planning Board meetings are typically scheduled for the second and fourth Thursdays of every month and commence at 7:30 pm. All meetings are open to the public and at certain points of each meeting, open for public comments or questions. When the Board convenes for work session or committee matters, public input (at the Chair's discretion) may be limited.  The fourth Thursday meetings are typically when Subdivision and Site Plan applications are formally heard, together with the Board's regular business.  Formal action on applications, master plan amendments and/or ordinance reviews, may be taken at any of the Board's properly advertised and noticed meetings. Site Plan and Subdivision applications and checklists are available for downloading here.

Planning Board Applications


Board Administrative Officer
Denise Filardo
908-636-7635 or 908-766-3000 x145

Board Members

Member Class Term
Joe DeMarco IV 1/1/24 – 12/31/27
Karen Gardner IV 1/1/22 – 12/31/25
Shari Bunks Geller IV 1/1/24 – 12/31/27
Robert Graham (Chair) IV 1/1/23 – 12/31/26
Jeff Horowitz IV 1/1/24 - 12/31/24
Chad McQueen III 1/1/24 - 12/31/24
Hal S. Simoff IV 1/1/22 – 12/31/25
Marc Walden II 11/27/23 – 12/31/25
Ross Zazzarino I 1/1/24 – 12/31/24
Membership Classes
Class I - One member, being the Mayor or his/her designee.
Class II - One member, an official of the Borough, other than a member of the Council.
Class III - One member, being a member of the Council.
Class IV - Six of the planning board members shall be citizens of the Borough holding no other municipal office. The Chair & Vice-Chair are elected from the Class IV membership.

2025 Reorganization  Meeting January 17th

2024 Meeting Schedule

January 11 (Reorganization Meeting) and 25
February 8 and 22
March 14 and 28
April 11 and 25
May 9 and 23
June 13 and 27
July 11 and 25
August 8 and 22
September 12 and 26
October 10 and 24
November 14
December 12