Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30
166 Mine Brook Rd
Name Phone Department Title
Anthony Foley 908-766-0037 x230 Police Patrol Officer
Alex Mann 908-766-0037 x186 Police Detective
Al Ribeiro 908-766-3000 x161 Mayor and Council Council Member
Anthony Suriano 908-766-3000 x115 Borough Clerk Borough Clerk
Briana Stednick 908-766-0037 x184 Police Patrol Officer
Camp 908-766-2546 Recreation Camp Director
Colette Armenti 908-766-3000 x140 Tax Assessor Assistant
Cindy Beringer 908-766-3000 x124 Recreation Administrative Assistant
Chris Diacik 908-766-3850 x143 Construction Construction Official, Electrical Subcode
Chris LaPorta 908-766-0037 x172 Police Patrol Officer
Chris Luckenbach 908-766-0037 x188 Police Patrol Officer
Chad McQueen 908-766-3000 x162 Mayor and Council Council Member
Cole Rhinesmith 908-766-0037 x174 Police Patrol Officer
Connor Roehr 908-766-0037 x185 Patrol Patrol Officer
Christine Tseles 908-766-3000 x110 Finance Finance Assistant
Christine Zamarra 908-766-3000 x242 Mayor and Council Council Member
Dan Buttel 908-766-0037 x233 Police Captain
Denise Filardo 908-766-3000 x145 Planning Board and ZBOA BOA/PB Administrative Officer
Doug Seals 908-766-0037 x113 Police Police Records Clerk
Edwin Maldonado 908-766-0037 x186 Patrol SLEO III
Greg Skinner 908-766-0037 Police SLEO II
Isabelle Bongiovanni 908-766-3000 x121 Tax Collector Tax Clerk
Justin Alt 908-766-0037 x231 Police Detective Sergeant
Jay Ambelang 908-766-3000 x159 Mayor and Council Council Member
John Conway 908-766-0037 Police Dispatcher
Joe Grego 908-766-0037 Police Dispatcher
John Macdowall 908-766-3000 x147 Public Works Director of Public Works
Jena McCredie 908-766-3000 x251 Mayor and Council Council Member
Jeff Melitski 908-766-0037 x232 Police Lieutenant
Joe Mino 908-766-1151 Sewer Maintenance Staff
John Remian 908-766-0037 x131 Police Chief of Police
Jeffrey Roos 908-766-3000 x165 Mayor and Council Council Member
Ken Keleher 908-581-0731 Sewer Maintenance Staff
Kris Kristoff 908-766-1151 Sewer Maintenance Staff
Kristine McNamara 908-766-0037 x134 Police Records Manager
Kathy Redling 908-766-3000 x122 Public Works Administrative Assistant to DPW Director
Leslie Roberson 908-766-3000 x120 Finance Director of Finance/Tax Collector
Mary Jane Canose 908-766-3000 x160 Mayor and Council Mayor
Matthew Brown 908-766-0037 x178 Police SLEO
Michael Paradiso 908-766-0037 x239 Police Lieutenant
Mike Phillips 908-766-3000 x126 Public Works Mechanic
Nick Dight 908-766-1151 Sewer Maintenance Staff
Nancy Malool 908-766-3000 x110 Administration Borough Administrator
Naomi Modaferri 908-766-0037 Police Dispatcher
Peter Archibald 908-766-0037 x177 Police Patrol Officer
Patrick Minardi 908-766-0037 x183 Police Patrol Officer
Police Department 908-766-0037 x135 Police Comm Center
Police Lieutenant 908-766-0037 x136 Police Lieutenant
Pool 908-766-2546 Recreation Pool Supervisor
Richard Cowan 908-766-0037 x235 Police Patrol Officer
OPRA Review null null null
Rick Mickles 908-766-0037 Police Dispatcher
Rob Rosendale 908-766-3000 x255 Construction Building Subcode
Ryan Valentino 908-766-3000 x138 Fire Prevention Fire Inspector
Saif Naqvi 908-766-0037 x234 Police Patrol Officer
Silvia Romero 908-766-3000 x129 Construction Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Stephanie Brown 908-766-3000 x116 Recreation Assistant Recreation Director This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Steven Seiple 908-766-0037 x243 Police Sergeant
Steve Waters 908-766-3000 x138 Fire Prevention Fire Official/Inspector
Tyler DeMott 908-766-0037 x175 Police Sergeant
Tony Hajjar 908-766-3000 x142 Engineering Engineer
Timothy Richard 908-766-0037 x189 Police Sergeant/OEM Coordinator
Tom Shadood 908-766-3000 x151 Sewer Sewer Plant Operator
Tom Silvia 908-766-3000 x112 Recreation Director of Recreation This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
William Roberts 908-766-3850 x119 Zoning and Housing Housing Inspector & Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer