Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30
166 Mine Brook Rd

Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes

Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2023



February 9, 2023

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Environmental Commission held in hybrid mode and called to order by Chairperson Johanna Wissinger at 7:03 pm.  Present were Johanna Wissinger, Kathy Redling, Tom Voss, Michelle Conover, Dan Zelinski, Rob Wilson, Greg DeGrandpre, Nick Vaglio, Dan Fresolone, Jeff Hammond, and Jay Ambelang --Council Liaison, Absent: Kristi MacDonald, Graham Macmillan-Planning Board Liaison. Kerry Haselton.  Joseph Cuomo of 220 Post Kundhardt Road, a member of the public was in attendance.

The January meeting minutes were previously circulated.  Greg made a motion to approve, Michelle seconded and the minutes were approved by vote.

The current budget for 2023 is at $628.36 with funds encumbered for a Tree Surround Bench to be placed around the Lou Matlock Elm tree when it is relocated.

Johanna confirmed that all 14 members of the EC, regardless of role were ANJEC members.  She covered the privileges, benefits, and access to speakers for our community.

Jeff Hammond provided an update on the Sustainable Jersey application.  Discussion covered innovation projects, EC Land Use application site visits and procedures, future opportunities and next steps.

Land Use subcommittee updates were shared:


  • 55 Claremont Rd (brick house on corner of Mill Street) – Council approved Developer for property in the Downtown Redevelopment Area.
  • 10 Chapin Rd, hearing at Board of Adjustment for detached structure addition/excess Impervious Coverage (existing Major SW facility), proposed transplanting of trees brings up questions on tree conditions and survival rates
  • Upton Pine subdivision to 7 lots with Planning Board (not yet deemed complete)
  • 51 & 53 Bernards Avenue reallocation to 3 lots with Planning Board, 2/23 hearing.  Michelle will attend in Johanna’s absence
  • 601 Mine Brook Rd, addition of detached structures (Board of Adjustment, not yet deemed complete)


EV Subcommittee Report:

  • Chargers proposed for Library parking lot and Train Station no longer have traction and support.  Funding available through grants is limited, and Borough will not have a Fleet vehicle at the library till 2024.
  • Borough EV is due to arrive end of February
  • A review of our Ordinances would be helpful, and ANJEC sample Ordinances will be used as guidelines

Upcoming Events/Proposed Events:

  • Great Swamp Pollinator Plant Sale, 5/6 at Ross Farm for pickup.  Johanna to coordinate with Bernards Township EC for joint site, Rob W. to handle publicity, Michelle and Kathy to coordinate efforts on 5/6 for Plant pickup
  • Deer Management and Hunt for 2023, Starts in September.  Need report, along with regulations review.
  • River Friendly Neighbor program, including behavior education to include Salt as #1 pollutant.  Joe noted options for Permeable Concrete and Porous Asphalt as good alternatives to standard pavement.
  • Saturday 4/29 Electronics Recycling and Styrofoam Collection/Recycling at Bernards High School part of Green Team day.  Will also include Raritan Headwaters Well Water Test Kit booth and Shade Tree Commission’s tree giveaway.
  • 4/1 Recreation Commission and Downtown Bernardsville Eggstravaganza is an opportunity for  educational booth
  • 4/15 Raritan Headwaters Stream Cleanup at 4 sites – Polo Grounds, Claremont Field, Nervine Pond, Old Army Trail/Audubon.  9am – 12pm with financial support from the Borough in thanks from our Clean Communities Grant funding.
  • 4/22 Earth Day, discussion of Community wide Litter Clean up effort.  Subcommittee of Michelle, Greg, Dan F. and Kathy to set up time, goals, base (probably Kiwanis Field) and publicity.

New Business:

Rob noted that the Coyote population in NJ is on the rise.

Johanna spoke of the Tree Canopy Study component of the Sustainable Jersey application, discussion was held, and it was agreed it was not needed now.

Members noted that with the warming weather, the need for Spotted Lantern Fly Egg Mass destruction would soon be upon us.

The next scheduled EC meeting is on March 8, 2023 at 7:00pm.

Johanna made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded Greg and it was unanimously adjourned at 8:44 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathy Redling, Secretary